Support is here
If you or a loved one have experienced or witnessed racism in British Columbia, help is available.
Call the Racist Incident Helpline to speak with a trained professional who will help you navigate resources available to you in your community.
Available Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (PT).
It’s free, confidential and available in over 240 languages.
The Racist Incident Helpline is not intended to replace emergency services. If you are in immediate crisis or danger, call 911.
What is a Racist Incident?
For the purposes of this resource, a racist incident is any act of verbal or physical aggression, refusal of service, bullying, intimidation or discrimination based on the colour of a person’s skin and/or their ethno-cultural background.
When to Call
Call the helpline if you have experienced or witnessed a racist incident – no matter how much time has passed.
The helpline is accessible Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm (PT). It’s available to everyone in British Columbia, regardless of your immigration status.
The Racist Incident Helpline is not for emergency calls. If you are in immediate crisis or danger, please call 911.
After-Hours Calls
If you are in immediate crisis or danger, please call 911.
If you need non-emergency support outside of operating hours, please leave a message and we will call you back on the next business day.
Please note that we do not leave voice messages due to privacy and confidentiality concerns, but if you leave us a message, we will attempt to contact you a few times. If you miss our calls, please reach out again.
If you are in immediate crisis or danger, please call 911.
If you need non-emergency support outside of operating hours, please leave a message and we will call you back on the next business day.
Please note that we do not leave voice messages due to privacy and confidentiality concerns, but if you leave us a message, we will attempt to contact you a few times. If you miss our calls, please reach out again.
What Happens When You Call
When you dial 1-833-457-5463, you’ll be connected directly with a staff member who has completed trauma response and cultural sensitivity training.
The operator can:
- Listen to your experience,
- Provide information about local support services,
- Direct you on next steps based on your comfort level, and
- With your consent, refer you to the services that best match your needs.
Assistance is available in over 240 languages, so let the person who answers your call know your preferred language.
We’re ready to help. Support is here.
Free. Confidential. Trauma informed.
Information for service providers
We invite community-based organizations, Indigenous-led organizations and land-based Nations throughout the province that specialize in supporting those affected by racist incidents to learn more about this program and its opportunities by visiting the United Way BC website.
Helpline Information and OpportunitiesAbout the Racist Incident Helpline
The Racist Incident Helpline is a culturally safe and trauma-informed resource for people who have experienced or witnessed a racist incident, but who may not want to or know how to report it to police. The helpline makes sure that everyone can access the information and support they want and need.
Calls are answered by trained professionals who will listen and provide information and referrals to community-based organizations throughout the province that specialize in racist incident support as well as promoting anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion.
The anonymized data collected from Racist Incident Helpline will be used alongside insights gathered from other Government of British Columbia anti-racism initiatives to support, guide and enhance the province’s anti-racism programs, services and initiatives.
Racist Incident Helpline was developed and is overseen by the Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Branch of the Ministry of Attorney General, in partnership with United Way British Columbia, and works with specialized community organizations throughout B.C.
Help us serve communities throughout the province.
This form is for feedback only. If you would like to talk to a professional about a racist incident or be connected to support services, call 1-833-HLP-LINE (457-5463).